
+389 78 600 003

Syrup with fruit juices and vitamins

Food supplement. With sugar (fructose)

Code: 640102 , 21 sachets 10 g
Customer feedback :

Syrups with fruit juices and vitamins are a great supplement to healthy, proper, and quality children's nutrition. They are 100 % natural: without preservatives, flavour enhancers, aroma additives, added starch, and colourants. Not only are they healthy, but they are also very tasty and mildly sour.

Syrups with fruit juices and vitamins:
- they help provide the child's body with natural vitamins and minerals
- they help increase the child's energy

An interesting game can be played with the fruit juice syrups: each package contains 21 sachets of three different flavours - leave the choice of flavour to your child.

Notice! Part of the profit from the sale of each package of fruit juice and vitamin syrups go to charity funds. Follow the news of the corporation.

Suitable for children above 3 years.

Ingredients (1 sachet): water, fructose, fruit-berry juice concentrate (apple, blackberry, cranberry), thickener: pectin, vitamin complex “Betaviton” (80 mg): beta-carotene (1.6 mg), DL-alpha-tocopheryl acetate (vitamin E - 0.4 mg), L-ascorbic acid (vitamin C); acidity regulator: citric acid, Noni (Morinda citrifolia fruit) juice powder, emulsifier: polysorbate 80.
Warnings: use immediately after opening the sachet. Do not use in case of hypersensibility to any of the ingredients. Not to be used for children under 3 years of age. Do not exceed recommended daily dosage. Do not use food supplements as a replacement for complete and balanced nutrition.
Nutrition in 1 sachet contains mg/% (10 g*): Vitamin A (in the form of beta-carotene) - 266 µg RE 33,25 % NRV*; Noni juice powder - 20 mg; Vitamin C - 10,8 mg 13,5 % NRV*.
Nutrition in 2 sachets contains mg/% (10 g*): Vitamin A (in the form of beta-carotene) - 532 µg RE 66,50% NRV*; Noni juice powder - 40 mg; Vitamin C - 21,6 mg 27 % NRV*.
*NRV - % of Nutrient Reference Values
Manufacturer: “Integrācija” LLC, 112a E.Alekseyevoi str., Barnaul, 656019, Russia. Distributor: “ASTI Group” LLC , 5 Zardu Street, Riga, LV-1083, Latvia, +371 27030599


For children above 3 years, 1 sachet a day directly in food, as a supplement to ready meals (cottage cheese, porridge, ice cream, tea, etc.), or for preparing drinks.

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Vitamin E
Vitamin E

Vitamin E (tocopherol) helps protect cells from oxidative stress.


This fruit can be considered one of the best for children. Vitamins, organic acids, micro- and macroelements are ideally combined in it. Apple juice improves digestion, boosts children’s immunity, improves memory and the quality of sleep.


Cranberry juice has a strong bactericidal effect, helps to normalize the metabolism, helps in case of oral cavity problems, normalizes the appetite.


Noni juice helps to fight viruses and bacteria, helps the body rehabilitation after illness, has a beneficial impact on children’s development when the nervous system is forming, boosts immunity.


This is provitamin A. Its main role is fighting oxidants. It reduces the impact of environmentally adverse factors, restores the immunity, reduces the risk of infectious diseases and improves stress resistance.


Blackberry juice boosts immunity, improves body resistance to infections, has strong anti-inflammatory properties, pumps the body with energy at the time of physical exercises.

Vitamin C
Vitamin C

It reduces the frequency of diseases and helps resist respiratory diseases during colds and viral infections. Ascorbic acid (vitamin C) is very important - it helps maintain the normal function of the immune system during and after intense physical activity.



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