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Silver Shampoo For Men

Cosmetics with character

Code: 20150 , Weight: 250 g
Customer feedback :

Confident men need real cosmetics for men. Like TianDe's shampoo for men with silver.

This product has been specially designed with the physiological needs of men's skin in mind. It works on three levels at the same time:
- it strengthens hair;
- it controls excessive sebum at the roots;
- it protects the skin from irritation.

TianDe's shampoo is an excellent solution for athletes and those who love active recreation. The product contains colloidal silver, which has antimicrobial effects. It is perfect for cleansing the scalp and refreshing the hair when sweating may be excessive.


Apply to damp hair, massage, then rinse off.

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available ˅
21.85 p.
11.00 P.

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Vitamin E
Vitamin E

Vitamin E is a powerful antioxidant that protects against the oxidation and destruction of scalp and hair lipids, helping to protect their protective barrier. It also provides timely delivery of oxygen to hair follicles, as well as stimulates their nutrition, improving the overall condition and appearance of your hair.


An indispensable remedy for hair nourishment and growth: makes it thicker and stronger, provides for its manageability, removes static cling, makes hair vibrant and bouncy.


Natural colloidal silver protects the skin from bacteria and soothes its irritations. Silver prevents acne, effectively removes the smell of sweat and prolongs the feeling of freshness.



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