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Wutong Cosmetic Body Phyto Patch

Without pain

Code: 30118 , Amount: 5 pcs
Customer feedback :

The Chinese word Wutong means "without pain". It has gentle yet intense effects and helps you regain the joy of uninhibited movement. Herbal ingredients in the patch:
- they have a strong warming and relaxing effect
- they help improve the microcirculation of blood and metabolic processes at the site of use
- they help eliminate feelings of discomfort

Wutong is effective even when used only once. If you want to increase the effect, it can be used regularly in a routine. The phyto patch has cumulative effects. Plant extracts act on the human body through the skin and have positive effects on its physiological and energetic state.
Warnings: Do not use during pregnancy and lactation. Is not recommended for children.


Apply the phyto patch on the problematic area. Use once or twice a day, for a maximum of 12 hours a day. Use over a period of 7-10 days.

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Spotted geranium extract is used in the treatment of osteochondrosis and radiculitis.

Gotu kola
Gotu kola

The leaves of Asiatic pennywort improve blood circulation, normalize the permeability of blood vessel walls, and reduce feelings discomfort in the joints.


It has toning and refreshing effects and reduces pain.


Triggers nerve endings, encourages blood flow through local cooling and has a distracting effect.


Ginger oil has warming effects, increases blood circulation to the skin, and has dilation effects on blood vessels and anti-swelling effects.

Cassia bark tree
Cassia bark tree

Cinnamomum cassia leaf oil has antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effects, helps relieve muscle spasms.


Commiphora myrrha oil has tonic, anti-inflammatory and regenerating properties and an antimicrobial effect.

Methyl salicylate
Methyl salicylate

Applied locally, methyl salicylate takes an analgesic and locally irritative effect. It causes muscular relaxation and intensifies blood flow, allows you to prolong physical exercises and improves their tolerance.


Extract from the roots of the Saposhnikovia reduces pain and swelling.


Incense is the substance also known as gum — resin or dried juice of incense trees and bushes. It has an unusual memorable smell – bitterish and tart, smoky and resinous. In aromatherapy, it is used to relieve stress and cope with insomnia. Incense is a muscular relaxant; it is also applied as a warming up, diuretic and antiseptic component.


Clove bud oil improves blood circulation and has analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects.

Muscat rose
Muscat rose

Oil extracted from the seeds of muscat rose soothes irritation and reduces feelings of discomfort in the joints and muscles.


Lindera root extract is an antiseptic with analgesic and anticonvulsant effects.


Aconite extract has anti-inflammatory and soothing effects.


Schizonepeta multifida herbal extract is a natural analgesic with soothing, anti-inflammatory and relaxing effects.

Belladonna lily
Belladonna lily

Belladonna lily extract has relaxing effects.

Aromatic ginger extract
Aromatic ginger extract

Aromatic ginger extract has anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effects in the treatment of rheumatism.

Angelica dahurica
Angelica dahurica

The root of Angelica dahurica is usually used as a tonic. It is beneficial in the treatment of rheumatism and arthritis of the lower limbs; it reduces pain, has a sweat-inducing effect, and has antispasmodic and diuretic effects.


Галина Куделько

Мне этот продукт очень нравится, он помогает не только при болях, но и при простуде. Рекомендую

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