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Nephrite Freshness Herb Panty Liners, Ultra Thin

Ultra thin protection of women's health

Code: 61921 , Amount: 25 pcs
Customer feedback :

Do you have an active lifestyle and not like to think about trivialities? Ultra thin herb panty liners for everyday use will allow you to focus on what is important. They easily adjust to the shape of your body and fit into underwear of any cut. They are soft like a second layer of skin. They provide you with comfort and protection every day.

These liners take care of your health by a phytocomplex consisting of extracts from peppermint, Japanese Camellia, and clove oil, which:
- eliminates bacteria and unpleasant odour;
- eliminates the feeling of itching and irritation;
- nurtures women's health and provides a feeling of comfort and freshness.


Recommended for everyday use.

Ежедневки от Тианде это любовь и привыкание с 1 применения , аналогов нет : качество сырья, лечебные от всех проблем, есть и для молодежи - супертонкие и на любое белье … кто их хоть раз брал , другими пользоваться не станет

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The extract of peppermint is a strong antioxidant with antibacterial properties, which gives a feeling of freshness and helps to relieve pain with its soothing effect.


Clove oil has an anti-inflammatory, antifungal and antiseptic effect, it helps to normalize menstrual period. It has a toning aroma and is referred to aphrodisiac agents.

Green tea
Green tea

The green tea extract has an antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effect and relieves itching and irritation.


Сыздыковa Рабига Булатовна Сыздыкова

Ежедневки от Тианде это любовь и привыкание с 1 применения , аналогов нет : качество сырья, лечебные от всех проблем, есть и для молодежи - супертонкие и на любое белье … кто их хоть раз брал , другими пользоваться не станет

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